"ASHBOURNE ESTATES" will have a Homeowner's Association that will:
- Maintain the "Common and Controlled Facilities" as noted below:
- Area on corners of Ashbourne Way and Route #113, and Integrity Drive and Township Line Road where sign easement are located.
- The area of Lots 1, 2, 6, 13, 14, 16, and 17 containing storm water management facilities. These detention basins will consist of wetland bottom basins planted with wetlands grasses and plant material.
- The area located in the cul-de-sac island located within Ashbourne Way, in front of lots 17, 18, and 19, will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association.
- Maintenance shall include maintaining the entrance signage and landscaping. The Association shall be responsible for all necessary landscaping, gardening, re-mulching, trimming of shrubs including mowing and fertilizing, to properly maintain and periodically replace when necessary the trees, plants, grass, shrubs, and other vegetation within the "Common and Controlled" facilities as described above.
Each homeowner will have an equal share of ownership in the Homeowner’s Association. There will be a one-time Capital Contribution of $500 at settlement on your home and a $600 per household annual assessment. An estimated annual budget is enclosed on the opposite side. The Homeowner’s Association Declaration is available for review prior to executing an Agreement of Sale.
The remainder of the public improvements including streets, curbs, roads, water and sewer lines etc. will be dedicated and permanently maintained by Lower Salford Township, Lower Salford Township Authority or other Governing Bodies. The Township will be responsible for snow plowing and road maintenance.